Tuesday 17 September 2013

T-Day - The Return

Ten years have past since the loss of the leader of the TTCTS (Tellie Tubbies Counter-Terrorist Squad.) It's been a rough decade. The terrorists have gained power, due to Handy Manny's PHD in building unbelievably powerful nuclear weapons. "We need to get out there and do something!" moaned Po.
"I know, its just..."
"Its just what, Lala? It's been ten years of 'its just', now we need to do something."
'BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP' rang the diamond plated Morgan Freeman voiced tellie-phone.
"Hello TTCTS, this is Barrack Hussein Obama the II. I need you guys to fly over to Syria. It's an emergency. The survival of the world as we know it depends on you succeeding."
"Get ready," said Lala. "It's been a long time since we were out in the field, so we'll have to have our wits about us." 
After 7 minutes of flying on the AA77 SHIRODOUKEN MUMBO-JUMBO BAT-WING CHINCHILLA Spy plane...of death, they arrived in مخرم الفوقاني only to regret ever coming....

1 comment:

  1. well thats odd story but its still good
